
The school has a well stocked library cum reading room. The library has relevant books which are made available to the students .We have 5 varieties of daily news papers .students are encouraged to read the daily news papers compulsorily. Periodicals provide the students with updates of the country and the world around them.
Computer Lab
Our Computer Lab is well equipped and offers computer IT education from upper kindergarten itself and has LCD projectors and audio visual rooms to encourage visual / audio learning. our computer is internet connected

The students at Gurushree gather each day from the four corners of Bangalore, transported on our international quality fleet of buses. The bus routes are assessed regularly to ascertain the most time efficient access and travel across the city to allow our students to have the least possible time spent in travelling. All our buses are fitted with Speed Governor, seat belts, fire extinguishers and first aid boxes.
We have a special tie up with the local Hospital to extend emergency medical care, A qualified nurse is made available throughout the day / night to cater to the needs of the children.

You can teach a student a lesson for a day. But if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.
Change color or getting an electrical circuit to work can feel magical. We at Gurushree want students to move beyond book learning & understand the essential concepts of physics, chemistry and biology through experimentation. They are encouraged to test the validity of theories for themselves.
They are taught to formulate, prove and disprove hypotheses by methodically conducting experiments, making observations, analysis and reporting results in an unbiased fashion. Lab classes are conducted every week on a regular basis. Separate science labs for physics, chemistry and biology are maintained. Our labs have all the necessary equipment, manuals and charts for conduction of high school experiments.
our computer lab is well equipped with the latest software that suits the needs of all the students .computer,IT education starts from upper kindergarten. Audio visual rooms encourage and promote effective visual / audio learning.
Well Designed separate blocks for boys and girls are available under the care of affectionate and caring wardens. every room is spacious, well ventilated, with a ratio of 1 room : 12 students with proper sleeping bunkers, storage facilities so that students need not have to carry either the trunks/suitcases. the children who are in the age group of 5-10 years will be accompanied by a caretaker.
GRS offers a choice of weekly boarding for the students from 1-3 standards that are residing at bangalore and surrounding area enabling them to spend their quality time with their families during their weekends. Accordingly school transport will drop those children in convenient location on friday evening and pick on sunday evening from the same locations.

Sports, Yoga and Culture
In addition to Academics classes Yoga and Praanayam ,Meditation is also incorporated as part of the curriculum. Professional training in karate, tennis , Shuttle badminton / Volley Ball , Basket ball,Hockey,Indoor and host of others sports are provided to the children. In a continuous effort to impart practical education ,we strive in training and exposing the young minds through educational tours , cultural tours,social service campus,personality development courses athletic meets ,Creative workshops etc.